The Magic of Intentions – it all starts with a dream.

You create your own reality. Whether you believe it or not, it is a fact. If you think it’s all a bunch of hooey… it matters not. You still create it all.

On the other hand, knowing you create it all doesn’t really change anything either.

I have known hundreds of very ‘spiritual’ and/or ‘metaphysical’ people, who knew they created their own reality, yet lived lives of scarcity, fear and lack. These people can recite the elements of conscious creation verbatim, but can’t create themselves out of a paper bag.

Why? It’s one thing to know theory. It’s another thing altogether to apply the theory.

Why else? Conscious creation is a lot of work.

Don’t get me wrong. It gets easier. But even after you’ve proven to yourself you know the steps and can change your reality, it is still a lot of work. Every new dream, every new day, requires you to stay in the resonance of accepting what you desire.

Is it worth it? Hell yeah! Your life can be heaven on earth… of course it is worth it.

But you have to be willing to put in the effort. And where does it begin? It begins with a dream.

Now there are lots and lots of ways to dream and even more ways to state that dream. After many years of experimentation I am convinced that the most effective and elegant way to state a dream is with intentions.

Some teach stating your dreams in the future, “I will have…” The problem with that is the subconscious mind understands that as you are always “in a state of becoming”, never realizing, the dream.

Some say to state your dreams in the present, “I now have…” The problem with that is the subconscious mind believes it… ok you are abundant or whatever. No need for more.

But an intention is open ended. It takes now into account and the future. It says to your subconscious, this and more… such as this overall intention:

I intend to experience greater and greater levels of magic, fun, creativity, connectedness with the divine, peace, prosperity, abundance, safety, elegance, ease, health and healing, Divine Grace, Divine Guidance, joy, freedom, beauty, trust, wisdom and love.

Can you feel the power? The strong commitment? Intentions aren’t wishy-washy. They mean business. One way or another, you will create what you intend. It is a strong and powerful message to give your subconscious mind.

What should intentions include?

Intentions should include any area of your life you want to improve upon or even maintain. Intentions can include categories such as:

•  Partnership

•  Other Relationships

•  Work

•  Physical Body

•  Spiritual

•  Physical Surroundings

Mental & Emotional

•  Intentions for Play

•  Creative

•  Financial

•  Intentions for the Earth & Humanity

•  Cosmic

The sky is the limit when you are creating your intentions. Just be sure they are worded as concisely and cleanly as possible. Your subconscious mind should not be confused as to what you really want.

It is also important to have some excitement around your intentions. If you are not excited about the possibility of creating these things, why even include them in the first place? Emotion creates.

And if you really want to kick it into gear, ask. Ask for help. Each and every time I write my intentions I close with this statement:

Request to my Unseen Friends:

I request and intend to receive help from all of my unseen friends to manifest all of my intentions even greater than stated, with harm to none.

Want more inspiration? Read some sample intentions.

OK. I wrote my intentions, now what?

Read them – daily. Change them – weekly. Be inspired and excited by them – constantly. And focus energy on them. Desire is only the first step of the Map, remember? I never said it was easy, only that it was worth it.

In joyous creation,

The post The Magic of Intentions – it all starts with a dream. appeared first on Live a Life You Love.

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