Your Tarot Card Messenger for 2023

Each year we get a new tarot card that lets us know what will be in store. The card shows us what is on the horizon and where there is work to be done. It guides us in the months and days ahead as we continue on our journey to our higher self.

Find your messenger card by adding the month and day you were born plus the current year (2023). You will keep adding until you reach a number 10 or under.

Here are two examples:

If your birthday is November 18, you add 11 + 18 + 2023 which equals 2052. You then add each of those numbers together, 2 + 0 + 5 + 2 to get 9 as your number for the year.

If your birthday is March 28, you add 3 + 28 + 2023 which equals 2054. You would then add each of those numbers together, 2 + 0 + 5 + 4 giving you 11. Since your number is greater than 10, you add 1+1 to give you 2 as your number for the year.

The number you get is your personal guide card for the next twelve months. Here are the descriptions of the cards and what they have in store for you.

1 or 10, The Magician or Wheel of Fortune:

Purpose, passion, and commitment will be the themes for you this year.

For many years you have been growing your experience and gaining new skills. You excel in your ability to communicate effectively. You are full of many gifts and can do anything you really set your mind to, but you have never landed on one true purpose. This will be a year of taking all your strengths and skills and figuring out your passion. Staying in one place while you dabble here and there will no longer work. You want to go deeper with something more fulfilling and purposeful. Contemplate your greater path, advance your education, invest in yourself, and do not be afraid to choose something and take a risk. You will have luck on your side as you dive in. You just need to decide what way to turn the wheel. Once you do, there is magic waiting for you on the other side.

2, The High Priestess:

Spirituality in all forms will be the theme for you this year.

This will be a spiritual year for you. You will have many visions and powerful dreams that will give you insights into your higher self. You will grow deeper in your spirituality and find a personal meditation practice. You feel strength from connecting to your core being and letting go of what no longer serves you. You are learning what really matters and what is real. Stay open to signs from your unconscious self. They will appear in dreams, music, and words from wise teachers. You will feel connected to religious practices, rituals, and art. Fill your home with things that enhance your psychic energies like crystals, tarot cards, or special symbols. You are called to deepen your relationship with the Universe and open your mind.

3, The Empress:

Unconditional love will be a theme for you this year.

The Empress represents a fertile, nurturing, and loving energy. She is all about creating safety and nourishment for herself and those around her. This will be a year of taking care of yourself and nurturing your body. It will also be a year of loving people in your life, especially children. You will spend time connecting to your maternal or paternal energy. You will love your inner child as well as the children in your life. It might be hard to connect to this energy if this is not your normal state. You might need the support of good friends or even a counselor to work through some blocks around self-love. But it will be well worth the effort to learn to cherish and love yourself in the ways you deserve.

4, The Emperor:

Loving leadership will be the theme for you this year.

The Emperor is the other half of the Empress. Together they balance one another. We need the self-love of the Empress in order to succeed as the Emperor. He is all about tapping into your leadership abilities and leaning into your strengths. If you lead without loving yourself or those around you, your leadership will be forceful and uninspired. This year will be about learning how to be a true leader and how to step into your personal power. You have so much strength inside of you and are ready to take on big responsibilities. You might be walking into a new role at work, starting your own business, or galvanizing your community. However it looks, you will take charge this year. Learning how best to do this will be your goal. Gaining wisdom from other powerful leaders of the world will be part of your journey. Soak in the skills of those who lead with compassion and intelligence.

5, The Hierophant:

Curiosity and wisdom will be the themes for you this year.

You are ready for a teacher this year. You are ready to question institutions that you once followed without question. You are ready to expand your mind and let go of any restraining forces in your life. Whether you go back to school or find a spiritual mentor, a teacher will enter your life in some way. You feel you have reached as high as you can get on your own and need a guide to take you to the next level. However, there are a few things to look out for when a new teacher enters your life. True Hierophants never sell themselves to you, the Universe will put them in your path naturally. If you feel uneasy about the following someone, listen to that feeling. Trust your intuition when it comes to your guides. This will be an inspiring year full of opportunities to learn and grow. Open your mind to the possibilities and allow a mentor into your life.

6, The Lovers:

Love, trust, and partnership will be the themes for you this year.

This year is about reconnecting to our trust and innocence. It is about giving our hearts freely and generously. This is our true nature before we became overly cautious with love. Under the energy of this card, we are open to life. We feel whole in ourselves without grasping for anything to fill us up. This year will be about reclaiming your heart. You will start to trust the Universe again and love without fear. You will work on what you are afraid of and let go of the past. You will give yourself the deep respect you deserve. And you will not be focused on fulfillment through outside sources. Instead, you will share love without needing something in return. This type of vibration will draw emotionally healthy and available people into your life. The Lovers is about energy flowing freely, without personal blocks and fears.

7, The Chariot:

Taking risks will be the theme for you this year.

This will be a year where you feel the impact of your hard work and personal growth. You have been struggling and pushing through challenging times. But you are now in a period where you will feel rewarded for your efforts. Through overcoming challenges victoriously, there will now be some big changes in your life. These changes will be very beneficial to you and will lead you to more success. And though you feel strong, you still have some armor on. You are going to protect your energy in ways you did not before, and this will keep you safe. Much like the energy of the Magician or the Wheel of Fortune, you now need to decide what direction to go in. You have a new path before you, and luck is on your side. You will need to take all you learned and find what way to go. The Chariot is also associated with travel, so you might take a big trip this year (fingers crossed). Though this trip will take much planning, it will be a life-affirming adventure.

8, Adjustment:

Balance and intention will be the themes for you this year.

This is a year of personal reflection and adjustment. It’s also about working for justice and health in your community. Stagnant energy or lack of growth will cause you to make changes. You will look at your habits and routines and see if they are in alignment with where you want to go. If your circumstances or behaviors don’t feel right, you will make a change. You will work to create more harmony in your life and in the lives of others. You will feel control over your actions and be more intentional. This boost of empowerment will cause you to make changes you have been craving for years. You will also support those around to make changes as well. This will be a time to invest in your health, wealth, and peace. This feeling of ownership over your actions will be inspiring.

9, The Hermit:

Personal exploration and depth will be themes for you this year.

This will be a year of creativity, wisdom, and experience. You will grow through spending time with yourself. You might go on a meditation retreat to travel somewhere alone. You will take long walks and journal about your experiences. Through spending time getting to know yourself on a deeper level, you will grow your hidden talents. This will be a year of finding your personal center and becoming very strong inside. You will say no to plans with friends or family. Not as a way to isolate yourself but as a way to focus on your own energy. At the end of the year, you will know yourself in a more complex way. You will have grown especially in your creativity. It will not be a lonely time, but instead a time of deep reflection. You will dive into yourself and find out more than you have ever known.

If you want to go deeper, check out to sign up for a personal tarot reading. I would love to help you find out more about your life and purpose through the cards.

The post Your Tarot Card Messenger for 2023 appeared first on Forever Conscious.

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