Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: November 13-19, 2023

The cards pictured are from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck.

Princess of Swords and Queen of Swords

This week we start with a New Moon in Scorpio on November 13. With new moons, we are given the opportunity to pause, reflect, and reset. This week’s cards show us how to use this energy to shed parts of ourselves in order to connect with our core.

Our first card is the Princess of Swords and she is wielding her sword to cut through the dense fog blocking her view. She has no time for misinformation or lies and she gets real about what needs to change.

Her vibrations may feel a little blunt but she believes in radical honesty. She calls us to seek this state by tapping into our hearts.

The Princess of Swords has no tolerance for disrespect, manipulation, or dishonesty. If there are places where this energy is present, think about ways you can remove yourself.

If anyone is treating you unkindly (this could even be yourself) this is your time to address this. The Princess of Swords can be a little intense, so find ways to stay measured and respectful and it will be a positive outcome for everyone.

Ask yourself: How can you disconnect from negativity this week? How can you move to a place of deeper honesty? How can you be bold and brave?

A good way to start is to move your body. Go for a long walk or do some exercise, shake off those cobwebs, and get your blood pumping. Another way is to drink water. I know it sounds simple, but being hydrated can help with mental blockages and feelings of stuckness.

Once we are in a centered and calm place we can think more clearly. From that space, we can connect with our core self, which brings us to our next card.

Our second card is the Queen of Swords and our natural evolution from the Princess of the Swords. She is a powerful warrior who has overcome obstacles through the force of her courage. She is always a standout because of her radical authenticity and honesty.

This Queen has cut through lies and found her truth. She has removed the armor that prevented her from connecting deeply with others. She understands that vulnerability is a strength and that experiences make you stronger.

She has let down her walls and allowed her true self to shine through. She is able to see the disguises of others and knows that things go deeper than what is on the outside.

Though the Queen is tough, she has compassion for herself and others. She shows us how to use our sharp tongues only when necessary and in the right circumstances.

The Queen helps us to think with clarity and see through any phoniness. She shows us how to go straight to the heart of a matter and be direct in our approach. We learn to share our truth so we can live a life aligned with our values.

The Queen of Swords is bringing us all her gifts this week. She is helping us to speak our minds and tap into our vulnerability. She wants us to take off our armor and share who we really are with others. She wants us to use our intelligence and honesty to get closer to the life we want.

How can you embody the energy of the Queen of Swords this week? How can you be more direct and open in your interactions (even if that scares you)? How can you connect to your authenticity?

If we want to step into our personal power and joy, we must learn to channel the beautiful energy of the Queen of Swords. We need to release our fear of vulnerability and speak our truth. The power of the Scorpio New Moon will support this as well.

The Queen and Princess inspire us to be bold and honest. We release what is inside so we can be lighter and free. Under the new moon and with the support of the cards, we connect to our most authentic and unencumbered selves.

Mantra for the week: I center myself in truth and step into my authenticity.

If you like the weekly readings and want to go deeper, head to to book your personal session with me.

The post Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: November 13-19, 2023 appeared first on Forever Conscious.

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