August 2024

<div>Goal chart: How to create your own & realize your dreams</div>

Goal chart: How to create your own & realize your dreams

You might be familiar with the struggle of “so many goals, so little time.” It’s as if you’re always chasing the next big win, but you’re not sure what collecting these wins will accumulate to. Or maybe you’re overwhelmed with the steps needed to make this dream a reality, and you drop off in organizing […]

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PinealXT Review 2024: Does It Actually Work?

Do you want to open your third eye, but you don’t know how? Inside the brain you have your pineal gland, and this is also your third eye chakra. Pineal XT is like a helper for this special part. It’s like a superhero for your brain! This part is important for connecting with super-cool powers.

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How to tap into your divine feminine, according to embodiment coach Rachel Pringle

How to tap into your divine feminine, according to embodiment coach Rachel Pringle

Have you ever been told you were too loud, too crazy, too chaotic?  This is how women have been conditioned to suppress their divine feminine energy—the most sacred and creative expression of their feminine selves. Indeed, women can be unapologetically creative in their ways of being, which can be disruptive. But the world desperately needs

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How to recover from burnout: Success stories from Mindvalley members

How to recover from burnout: Success stories from Mindvalley members

“One day, I found myself in total overload,” Jon Butcher, the founder of Lifebook, recalls in his Mindvalley Quest of the same name. “After years and years of holding everything up for everyone, I simply collapsed under the weight of my own life.” Anyone having gone through burnout can typically relate. It’s heavy, it’s paralyzing,

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Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: August 19-25, 2024

The cards pictured are from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck. The Fool and Knight of Wands We start this week with a Full Moon in Aquarius, and shortly after, Virgo Season begins on August 22. The cards serve as guidance to help harness the energy, providing insights on how to access its special potency. Our

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Angel Number 420 Meaning: The Universe Supports You

Have you ever found yourself repeatedly encountering the angel number 420, sparking curiosity about its meaning and significance in your personal life? You’re not alone in this quest, as the 420 angel number holds a profound message in numerology. Picture this: you’re seeing 420 everywhere, piqued your interest and perhaps even a touch of frustration.

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Are You A Maldek Starseed? 20 Signs, Mission & Appearance

Ever had intense interest about our cosmos and wondered if there was more to your life than first appeared? Are stories of ancient civilizations and cutting-edge technology deeply meaningful to you? Do you frequently feel lost for something you can’t name or dream about catastrophic events?  These can point to your Maldek ancestry. Becoming aware

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Your Virgo Season Horoscopes August-September 2024

This article is written by astrologer and Akashic channel, Narayana Montúfar. She is the author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power. Please visit to book a reading with her or follow her here @narayanamontufar  to keep up with her astro-weather reports.  The grounding energy of Virgo season—arriving between August 22nd and September 21st—brings a momentary break from

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The 12 universal laws: Your secret to manifesting anything

The 12 universal laws: Your secret to manifesting anything

Chances are, you know about the law of relativity, thanks to Albert Einstein. Then, there’s the law of cause and effect, thanks to Isaac Newton. Then, there’s the law of attraction, thanks to Rhonda Byrne and her best-selling book, The Secret.  But what are the other universal laws out there? And the more important question

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Exploring Amogh Raghunath’s Career Highlights

Last Updated on August 14, 2024 Amogh Raghunath is a software developer and data/knowledge extraction expert who’s currently working with a major audio entertainment company.  It goes without saying that Big Data remains crucial for virtually every business operating today,… The post Exploring Amogh Raghunath’s Career Highlights appeared first on Inspirationfeed. #manifest #lawofattraction #manifestation

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