Capricorn Full Moon and Solstice Ritual 2024

The Capricorn Full Moon arrives shortly after the Solstice on June 21st, 2024 so this ritual is designed to harness both of these powerful cosmic energies.

If you would like to understand the energies behind the Full Moon and the Solstice more deeply, I recommend reading your Capricorn Full Moon forecast before you do the ritual.

Full Moon and Solstice blessings to you!

Capricorn Full Moon & Solstice Ritual

This ritual is best done between June 20-30, 2024

You will need:


1.) Gather all your ritual ingredients. Place your candles in a triangle configuration with the bowl of water in the middle. All your other ingredients can be off to the side. Light your candles.

2.) Take your cleansing tool of choice and begin cleansing your aura. As you do this, feel free to recite the following:

“I cleanse myself from top to toe, from inside to outside. Energy flows through my body, calmy, vibrantly, and effectively. The energy grid of my body aligns and shifts into higher harmony. I am recharged. I am cleansed. I am restored. I am nourished. I am love.”

After you have cleansed your own energy field, cleanse the space around you and your ritual ingredients. As you do, you can recite the following-

“I cleanse this space with light and love. Only love may dwell here. Only light may live here. My space is cleansed. My space is pure. My space is protected. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

3.) Lay down or sit in front of your candle configuration and begin your Energy Recharging Meditation. This 10-minute meditation is designed to recharge and restore your energy field, giving your strength, boosting your motivation, and restoring feelings of confidence. After you have completed this meditation, stand up and shake out your body before continuing with the rest of the ritual.

4.) Next, take your bowl of rice. Pick up some of the rice you are using in your hands, and think about something you would like to release, bring closure to, or something you want to be resolved or completed in your life. State it out loud as you hold the rice and then sprinkle or throw it into the bowl of water that is in the middle of the candles.

The idea is that the rice or grain acts as a conduit for whatever you are releasing or asking for closure on. Do this until all the rice is gone from the bowl.

Here is an example to guide you-

*holding rice in your hands/fingers*

“I release and let go of my fear around not being good enough or worthy enough to go after the job that I really want.”

*throw/sprinkle rice into bowl of water*

5.) After all your rice is gone, take your finger and begin swirling the water around in an anti-clockwise motion. As you do, say the following or feel free to say whatever you feel in the moment-

“Under the June Solstice and Full Moon, I am cleansing. I am letting go. I am releasing all that must go. I let go of my regrets, and the pains of my past. I acknowledge that shadows exist but they are not all that lies on my path. My life is free, my light is clear. I am not one to succumb to my fear. Universe guide me so I may grow. I am open to the light. I am open to the love. I am open to the wholeness that flows from above. I am authentic me, I love myself and my life. Mother Moon, I thank you for this cleansing, thank you for this light. I am me. I am whole, and I trust the way the wind blows.”

6.) Sit for a moment in silence, reflecting on any emotions or feelings that have been stirred. Then do your Capricorn Full Moon Reading.

7.) Once ready to close the ritual, snuff out your candles and then take your bowl of water and discard it outside in the garden or bury it in the earth. If you don’t have access to a garden, it is fine to drain the water down the sink and discard the grain. Just try to return the ingredients to earth as much as possible.

8.) Once you have done this, take your glass of drinking water. Holding it in both hands, recite the following affirmation to charge up the water and then drink it-

“This water cleanses my spirit, it nourishes my soul. As I drink I will feel restored, healed, and awakened. As I drink this, my body, mind, and soul will feel at one.”

Your ritual is now complete.

The post Capricorn Full Moon and Solstice Ritual 2024 appeared first on Forever Conscious.

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