Intuitive Astrology: Aries Full Moon October 2024

The last Full Moon we experienced back in September was a Lunar Eclipse that challenged and transformed us in some way. While we still may be working through the events of Eclipse Season, the October 17th Full Moon comes to shift things once again.

Rolling in with some fiery power, the October Full Moon will shake and rattle things, inspiring things to move. If we have been feeling stuck, stagnant, or unsure of how to proceed, the October Full Moon will lay the path, guiding us to find the courage to step forward.

This is a very action-based Full Moon, so it’s likely that a path may clear, an impetus may rise up, or something will unfold that will shift the fabric of our being.

The October Full Moon is all about taking action, not only because it falls in the fiery sign of Aries, but also due to the planetary energy around it. Let’s take a closer look…

The Aries Full Moon

This October Aries Full Moon arrives with some bold planetary energy around it. Not only does it fall in the fiery sign of Aries, but it is also a Super Moon, and is making a rare T-Square alignment with Mars and Pluto.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and represents leadership, confidence, and action. When we have a Full Moon in this sign, our emotions get supercharged in a way that motivates us to step into a leadership role, take the lead, and find our confidence.

Of course, we can also get a little hot-headed and overly emotional as well, but if we work to bring ourselves into a state of balance, the Aries Full Moon can indeed be a productive one.

The last Aries lunar cycle we experienced was a Solar Eclipse back in April 2024, so we may see manifestations from this time coming back around, or events or ruminations from this time may reach a point of completion for us.

Acting alone, this is a powerful Full Moon that definitely holds some fiery energy, but the addition of the T-square adds some extra layers of intensity.

The Aries Full Moon and the T-Square with Mars and Pluto

Mars and Pluto are both square to this Full Moon, adding their cosmic flavor into the mix.

Mars, the natural ruler of Aries, will amplify that fiery Aries spirit, and Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, will have us digging into deeper layers than we imagined going.

These two planets working in tandem with the Full Moon can definitely be a volatile combination. On the world stage, Mars and Pluto can stir political tensions, especially around the topic of war. Violent protests, uprisings, and a desire to defy authority are also possible manifestations.

In our own lives, Mars and Pluto can stir difficult topics and bring tension to situations that have been on rocky ground. While this can be uncomfortable, it can also help things finally boil over. When Aries is involved, tensions can be quick to rise but also quick to fall.

With this energy at play, it will be better to get things out in the open and resolved, especially because there is a lot of support for wrapping up loose ends and bringing resolution to things under this Full Moon.

Chiron, the Silent Player

While there is a lot of fiery energy around this Full Moon and intensity brewing from Mars and Pluto, it is easy to forget another, more subtle, and perhaps more powerful energy at play coming from the asteroid Chiron.

Mars and Pluto working under an Aries Full Moon is definitely a volatile combination that is easy to get wrapped up in, but working quietly in the shadows is our friend Chiron, the wounded healer.

Our wounded healer will be on our side, helping to bring a sense of healing, pride, and comfort in whatever is manifesting for us.

Chiron reminds us that wounds can become portals of power if we allow them to be. Some wounds cut too deep to ever leave us, but the fabric of their pain can be woven into our being and give us the power to rise, to heal others, to help, to teach, and to even sharpen our own intuition.

Chiron’s story is that he was abandoned at birth and left to fend for himself. His wound of abandonment and being unloved eventually lead him down the path of being a wise healer, teacher, and psychic. Chiron was able to take his pain and channel it into his purpose.

All of us have this ability within us, and Chiron is here, shining down its influence on the Full Moon as a reminder that we, too, can rise from all that has pained us.

The Aries Moon, Mars, and Pluto, is definitely a combination that can make us feel uneasy, but if we come back to the story of Chiron, we can be reminded that there is a silver lining at play, too.

See if you can leave room to view the workings of this Full Moon as an opportunity to rise higher into your purpose. See if you can use these energies to remember that even the most painful wounds can give rise to a portal of power.

Your Aries Full Moon Ritual and Reading is coming soon.

The post Intuitive Astrology: Aries Full Moon October 2024 appeared first on Forever Conscious.

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