Intuitive Astrology: Virgo New Moon September 2024

On September 2-3, 2024, we welcome the New Moon in Virgo. This New Moon arrives at the entrance to a highly transformative month, but it seems the Universe is reminding us that new beginnings are always possible.

New Moons represent the start of a new lunar cycle and the start of a new cycle in our own lives. We can use the New Moon as our signpost that it’s never too late to begin again. We can wipe the slate clean, think of things in a new way, and allow ourselves to be surprised by new opportunities.

Mercury, the ruling planet of Virgo, would have just emerged from its retrograde journey, so things may still feel a little sluggish under this New Moon. We may feel our feet dragging and perhaps those new beginnings can feel a little out of reach.

While we do have to practice some patience, this New Moon is going to be our shining beacon this month.

The New Moon Opens the Eclipse Gateway

September brings a powerful Pisces Lunar Eclipse later in the month, which will most likely stir the theme of endings. By the month’s end, something may come to a close, or we may feel a chapter of our lives being wrapped up for good.

The Virgo New Moon may offer hints of what needs to go from our lives. If we pay attention, Mercury may also deliver some messages to us under the New Moon that may prove helpful later on in the month.

After all, Mercury is the messenger of the Gods, and as the ruling planet to this Full Moon, we are going to want to pay attention to any messages that arise, especially from our intuition.

The Virgo New Moon and Saturn, the Lord of Karma

Saturn is another planetary player under this Virgo New Moon, and in many ways, will be our guide. When Saturn is present, we can sometimes feel challenged or pressed in a certain area of our lives. Saturn can bring difficulties, but only because we have the power and the potential to push past them.

If difficult circumstances come up under this New Moon, it is going to be important to step up and take responsibility for them. The Universe never gives us anything we can’t handle, so remember this and walk confidently forward. Know you have the strength and the resources to navigate whatever lessons Saturn stirs for you.

Saturn is considered the Lord of Karma, but it is also known as our master teacher, for when we embrace what it offers, we can become the master!

Saturn tends to bring up familiar triggers and patterns, so if we see the same stories being played out or feel triggered in the same way, recognize that it’s just Saturn, calling for us to transcend and rise above it.

Saturn wants us to do this by taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions. It wants us to own up to the part we have had to play and to recognize the karma we have contributed to the situation. As we step into this mindset, solutions tend to arise.

Saturn being active alongside the New Moon can also create a push-pull between our emotions. The New Moon may open our emotional body, allowing us to feel compassion and more connection. Saturn, on the other hand, will be asking us to think more practically and logically.

We may not know how to follow our minds or our hearts. We may confused about which way to go or conflicted about the right course of action.

Alternatively, Saturn and the Virgo Moon may have us feeling too harsh towards ourselves or others. We may be too critical or too quick to judge.

If this resonates under the September New Moon, come back to a place of stillness. When things are confusing on the outside, it is generally a sign that we need to go within.

The Virgo New Moon and Self-Nourishment

Focusing on self-nourishment and building up our inner world will be great things to focus on under this New Moon.

This New Moon may require some patience and may not deliver the grand new beginning we are waiting for just yet, but the seeds we plant will eventually sprout. We just have to trust in the Divine timing of it all.

September and October are both big months of change, so we may just have to allow the weeks to play out to know where we stand.

The Virgo Virgin Goddess can be our powerful reminder, however, to focus on the strength that we have within. The Virgin Goddess has learned to access the God within. She knows she is complete and has what is needed to navigate any situation life throws her way.

She is whole within herself and treats her body as a temple. She knows exactly what she needs and she lives in service to herself and her higher power. She loves herself and knows how to look after herself. She is the authority on her body, mind, and soul. She is the authority on how she wishes to lead her life.

Embrace some of the wisdom of the Virgin Goddess. Recognize the wholeness within. Recognize that a well of answers and divine guidance lives within you at all times. Recognize it, feel it, and then work with it, to navigate not only the New Moon but the months ahead too.

Your Virgo New Moon Ritual is coming soon.

The post Intuitive Astrology: Virgo New Moon September 2024 appeared first on Forever Conscious.

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