Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: June 17-23, 2024

The cards pictured are from Uusi’s ‘Pagan Otherworlds’ deck.

Four of Cups and The High Priestess

This week brings magical and uplifting cosmic events. The Solstice and the start of Cancer Season are on June 20, and a Full Moon in Capricorn follows on June 21. We welcome these energies and are guided by our cards on how best to tap into their power.

The Solstice is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, on which we celebrate the light, and the shortest day in the Southern Hemisphere, on which we honor the darkness. Our relationship with the light or darkness helps to guide us through the second half of 2024.

Our cards call us to tap into the potent vibrations and show us how to unlock the potential of the moment. They point us to the need for nourishment, centering, and reflection during the days ahead.

Our first card this week is the Four of Cups. It represents affection, pleasure, and sensory experiences. We crave physical touch, movement, and being in our bodies when we receive this card.

Under the influence of the card, we are drawn to the water. Whether it’s the ocean, a lake, or a bath, we want to be submerged. We also long to make our homes beautiful, eat delicious food, and spend time with those we love.

The Four of Cups calls us to take stock of all the good we have now. So many of us are blessed to have amazing friends and family. It wants us to let the love we have wash over us.

When we count our blessings, we allow more blessings to enter our lives. We attract more goodness when we focus on our riches instead of what we lack.

Use this energy this week to be grateful for each person and each earthly luxury in your life. Thank them for their wonderful support, and tell them how much you care.

Our next card this week is the High Priestess. She is the second Major Arcana card and second on the Fool’s Journey. And though the journey has just started, she calls us to stop and pause because she knows the importance of rest and reflection.

The Priestess gives us clues on how to care for ourselves during this time. We are encouraged to tap into our intuition and spiritual abilities to see through the fog and find the answers we need.

She asks us to call upon our angels, ancestors, and messengers, who always support us. She wants us to use our gifts to draw out the light surrounding the dark.

If you create moments of stillness, the energy of the Priestess will be able to enter your world. She will give you insights into the wisdom of your future. She will send you messages of peace.

To channel this energy, spend time in meditation or reflection. Take out a journal and write in stream-of-consciousness, tap into your creativity through something artistic, move your body intuitively, or set intentions before you sleep and record your dreams.

The High Priestess reminds us of the importance of disconnecting from the world around us and connecting to our spirit. We can access so much intelligence, power, and healing from that space.

Allow these cards to support you under the power of the Solstice, the Full Moon, and the start of Cancer season. With the High Priestess, we look within, and with the Four of Cups, we seek the nourishment that will fill us up for the days ahead.

Mantra for the week: When I quiet my spirit, wisdom speaks to me. I take pleasure in the small, beautiful moments of the day.

If you enjoy the weekly readings and want to go deeper, head to to book your personal session. I look forward to connecting with you!

The post Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: June 17-23, 2024 appeared first on Forever Conscious.

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