Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: October 14-20, 2024

The cards pictured are from Uusi’s ‘Pagan Otherworlds’ deck.

The Hermit and Knight of Wands

This week, we have a full moon in Aries on October 17. Our guide cards speak to deep reflection and thoughtful plans of action. With the Full Moon and wisdom from our cards, we will confidently emerge from this week with our next steps.

Our first card for the week is The Hermit, and it’s about creating the time and space to journey inside ourselves. The card shows us a figure turning inward as they shine a beautiful light on the path before them. Through intentional alone time, we can tune out the voices of others and hear our wisdom.

By quieting our minds, we can also receive divine messages. We will gain new insights and become closer to our truths. If you have been struggling with direction or a difficult decision, Hermit energy will support the clarity you need.

The Hermit card speaks to personal spiritual journeys used by many cultures. The Aboriginals partake in Walkabouts, the First People have the ritual of Vision Quests, and many cultures use Labyrinth walking to seek knowledge.

How can you create your own spiritual ritual to find answers? A relaxing bath, quiet meditation, some time to journal, or even a long walk alone will help set the right tone for doing the Hermit’s work.

Ask your community for support around this. Maybe you need a break from work or childcare to secure your alone time. Your loved ones can help you if you make the request. Carving out time to be alone and connecting with yourself will serve you and your community, as it helps to ground and nourish you.

If you need space, please know it is more than okay. Take time for yourself and let go of any guilt surrounding that. When we charge our batteries, we become energized and whole selves.

Allow The Hermit and the Full Moon to support you this week. They both remind us of the importance of disconnecting from the world around us and connecting to our spirit. From that space, we can access so much intelligence and power.

Our second card this week is the Knight of Wands. This card is all about vision, leadership, and fire. It is energetic, enthusiastic, and aware. The influence of this card and the Full Moon heightened our insights.

This Knight is full of warm enthusiasm and is ready to go. He is often known as the ‘Lord of Lightening’ and can bring new energy to stagnate situations.

There will be unexpected shifts this week that lead you to new paths. Places where you have felt blocked will open up. You will take on a more positive perspective under the influence of the Knight of Wands.

This is the card for getting things done respectfully and efficiently, which is needed under the Aries moon. It’s about getting what we want through thoughtfulness and passion.

Under the Knight of Wands, we adopt a more positive perspective, which causes unexpected shifts in energy. Blockages are swept out of our path, allowing us to move forward in our chosen direction.

Use this gentle strength to propel yourself forward. A grounded but confident approach will open doors that were once closed. You will be able to connect in ways that make others feel safe and allow you to move forward with grace.

We open our minds and see things differently. We also see that asking for help should be a priority, especially if we have felt stuck on our own.

With the support of the Knight of Wands, we will get out of our way. He knows there is no time like the present, and we already have everything we need to be successful if we only believe it.

Mantra for the week: I set aside time to disconnect from the world and connect with myself. I use my fire and warmth to get things done.

I would love to connect with you! If you enjoy the weekly readings and want to go deeper, head to to book your personal session with me.

The post Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: October 14-20, 2024 appeared first on Forever Conscious.

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