Your Horoscopes for Scorpio Season October-November 2024

This article is written by astrologer and Akashic channel, Narayana Montúfar. She is the author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power. Please visit to book a reading with her or follow her here: @narayanamontufar to keep up with her astro-weather reports.

Welcome to the mysterious season of the witch! Scorpio season—arriving between October 22 and November 21—sticks to its highly transformative and emotional vibes in 2024. Regardless of your sign, you will all be inspired to embody the archetype of the Shaman, searching for deep, spiritual truths as new pathways unfold right before your eyes. At the November 1 new moon in Scorpio, set the intention of shedding your old skin, allowing a new version to develop right beneath it. 

Pluto—the planet of healing and collective change—sits in one of the most potent places in the sky before entering Aquarius (for good) on November 19. This once-in-a-century shift wraps up an evolutionary phase that began back in 2008! Even if parts of ourselves are still nostalgic about the past, we are moving forward collectively and personally. This becomes very obvious as soon as November 3 arrives, when driven Mars clashes with Pluto to ignite a strong desire for achievement. 

Luckily, this season also brings the influence of Uranus, another celestial big-hitter whose task is to release us from the stagnant energy that might be preventing us from reaching our true genius. Any changes that arrive on October 24, October 30, and the November 15 full moon come as a form of liberation even if at the moment, it might seem different. 

Lastly, pay attention to the themes that come up in your life around November 3, when Mars enters Leo, as it will give you clues into the personal work you’ll be doing once the retrograde of Mars arrives at the beginning of December. 

Below is what your zodiac sign can expect, read your sun as well as your rising sign. 


You have a powerful season ahead of you, Aries—and it will matter how you respond! Scorpio rules the transformation sector of your chart, meaning that you will be deep in introspection mode, trying to figure out something important. You’re looking for answers, and you’re bound to find them by diving into any esoteric and mysterious practices, like Tarot and astrology. Allow yourself to go deep within, especially between October 23 and November 3, which is when your planet (Mars) clashes with Pluto, the planet of transformation. The tension you feel during this time will give you clues into what needs healing in your life. 

In the end, you’re closing a fifteen-year cycle, which has most likely involved making your mark in the world through your career. During this long process, you’ve been inspired to reclaim your power, which has been good but also intense.  this process comes to a close once November 19 arrives, so take a moment to honor this incredibly transformative process you’ve been on. This of course, also involves allowing yourself to feel the full spectrum of emotions without judgment, perhaps requiring time alone in order to process it all. 

Your Key Moments: 

  • October 28 could unleash an incredible idea, so make sure to make a note of anything that arrives to your mind. 
  • If you’re in a serious partnership, then the November 1 new moon is the ideal time to spend time alone or reach new levels of intimacy. 
  • November 15, Saturn’s direct turn is the best time of the year to recommit to your spiritual practice. 
  • Your Scorpio Season Crystal: Bloodstone is the ideal crystal to help you manage tension; meditate with it if or when you’re feeling triggered. 


Over the season ahead, a lot of your focus will be on relationships—weighing them, deepening them, and maybe even re-negotiating them. One of them in particular, could be put under the microscope around October 28, when Venus clashes with Saturn. This will be a time to be completely honest when it comes to your boundaries, as well as your expectations for the future. Once the November 1 new moon arrives, either a long-term personal relationship or business partnership begins to form. This would be a fantastic night to set intentions concerning who you want in your life—whether it’s romantic or professional relationships, as well as friendships. 

November 3 is an important day, when you might have some serious realizations about your life/work balance, especially if you work from home. If you notice something needs to change, Mars entering your home sector might prompt you to act. By the time the November 15 full moon arrives, you might decide to remove any clutter in an effort to cleanse the energy in your space. After all, this full moon is happening in your sign, bringing the best opportunity of the year to remove what you no longer need. 

Your Key Moments: 

  • Starting November 11, you could receive good news concerning your career. 
  • November 9 could bring confusion, so practice discernment. 
  • Pluto entering Aquarius ignites your desire to succeed in your career, while also asking you to take your life’s purpose seriously! 
  • Your Scorpio Season Crystal: Aquamarine reminds you to go with the flow while helping you reduce tension. Meditate with it in the mornings before beginning your day. 


As you enter Scorpio season, set the intention to use your energy wisely, Gemini. Life at work looks busy but also very productive, since your load will most likely be a little heavier than normal. Since March of 2023, Saturn, the planet of self-mastery, has been assisting you in deepening your commitment to your career. For the past four months, during the time Saturn was retrograde, you were invited to take a look at your strategies for success. And as the ringed planet wakes up from its four-month nap, it’s all hands on deck for you, most likely investing more time, effort, and brain power to show the universe that you mean business and what you’re made of. 

If by the end of the season, you perceive needing more training to achieve your dreams, the rare and epic entrance of Pluto into your ninth house of learning could be what inspires you to sign up for a class or even more serious education. Pluto will remain in this part of your chart for the next twenty years, meaning that your vehicle for evolution will be diving into deep learning practices, something you adore as a cerebral and curious zodiac sign. 

Your Key Moments:

  • October 30 might push you to think differently, so make an effort to see life through a different filter. 
  • Plan on getting more sleep or rest on November 15, under the full moon fever! 
  • November 18 could bring an energy of excess, so try keeping things light. 
  • Your Scorpio Season Crystal: A crystal ruled by Saturn, Tourmaline helps you succeed in your career. Put a piece on your desk, office, or workplace. 


You love Scorpio season, as it’s a time of the year during which the universe makes room for you to relax, have fun, and enjoy life’s pleasures. Venus traveling in your work sector until November 10 means you will be busy at work, but you will still have time to enjoy quality time with the ones you love. Romance will be highlighted for you around the November 1 New Moon, setting the foundations for a new friendship to grow. If you’re already in a serious partnership, a lot of your conversations will be centered around money, resources, and personal values. 

During the time Mars clashes with Pluto on November 3, you might notice a misalignment of priorities between you and a romantic (or business) partner, when compromising will become important to keep things moving forward. Since this is a long-term influence (extending until early 2025), don’t feel like you need to “figure things out” right away. In the end, Pluto entering Aquarius on November 19 is changing the way you relate to others for the next twenty years! You close Scorpio season with a stronger fascination for astrology, Tarot, and healing energy—and starting now, all things mystical become the vehicles for your personal evolution.  

Your Key Moments: 

  • October 22 and 23 could give way to intense feelings, so keep an eye on your temper. 
  • You could find yourself celebrating an event with your chosen tribe under the November 15 full moon. 
  • November 18 could deliver a message in the form of dreams, so pay attention to your nighttime reveries. 
  • Your Scorpio Season Crystal: A Venus-ruled crystal, Rose Quartz reminds you that pleasure is the ultimate luxury in life. Add one to your vanity or your closet! 


This is a season to pay attention to, Leo, as it will give you insight into the way you will transform as we transition from 2024 to 2025! You might be spending a lot of your time with family or chosen tribe, maybe even going down memory lane or reaching deeper levels of connection. But getting closer is not always easy, as you might notice around October 24 and November 3, when Pluto is activated in your relationship sector. If a disagreement occurs now, look into the reasons behind any feelings of anger. By truly examining them, you can become aware of how the way you assert yourself is changing. Starting this month, your closest relationships intensify as powerful Pluto enters Aquarius. What you see in others—whether positive or negative—reflects something about your personality as your connections become your vehicle for personal evolution over the next twenty years! 

Stay flexible during this month’s November 14 full moon, which brings an energy of change to your professional environment. Flowing with the ups and downs now gives you access to the genius and creative energy of the universe, so try coming up with positive spins to any news you might receive. 

Your Key Moments: 

  • The November 1 new moon is the best time of the year to make any changes to your home’s environment. 
  • You might sign a long-term contract or deal around the November 3 Sun-Saturn trine. 
  • Your Scorpio Season Crystal: Carnelian is associated with passion; meditate with one over your heart every time you need to come back to your center. 


With your planet, Mercury, traveling in the deep skies of Scorpio until November 1, you might be very focused on finishing a research or writing project, Virgo. Within this process, you might specifically download a brilliant idea around October 30, so don’t discard any intuitive flashes, even if they seem too weird or “out there.” At the beginning of the season, everything is leading towards a winning moment for your career during the annual Venus-Jupiter opposition, which spells luck in this sector of your life. This could also be related to a partnership forming between November 4 and November 15, when cosmic teacher Saturn wakes up from its four-month retrograde nap. The ringed planet’s energy highlights the possibility of joining forces with someone who might complement your already sharp capabilities and abilities. 

Due to the impactful Mars-Pluto opposition, this season also brings movement within your friendships. Active between October 22 and November 4, it could spark some gossip and even drama within your circle. While it might seem like a good idea to indulge in some juicy listening now, keep in mind that if you do, you might open the door to a story that develops over many months to come. Setting boundaries now is your best option! 

Your Key Moments: 

  • You might feel like traveling around November 2, when Mercury enters Sagittarius. The weekend of November 15 might be ideal for a weekend getaway. 
  • Try scheduling longer sleeping nights starting November 3, once Mars enters your twelfth house of rest. 
  • If single, Venus entering Capricorn on November 11 brings the three best weeks of the year to find romance. 
  • Your Scorpio Season Crystal: Black Onyx gives you strength; carry it in your pocket every time you head out to protect yourself from outside vibes this season. 


The season ahead promises to be busy, Libra. But instead of putting the focus on your personal life, the sky turns your attention to your career, highlighting the need to have balance as well as clear boundaries. Around November 4, you might have to work overtime, and while some requests from bosses or colleagues might seem acceptable, saying yes could set you up for burnout in the future. It’s about working smarter and not necessarily harder, so start the season on the right note by finding unusual (but brilliant) ways of handling your industry’s demands, between October 24 and October 28. 

Some of the projects that have been delayed or on the back burner for some time could recover speed once the legendary ringed planet (Saturn) wakes up from its long retrograde on November 15. Expect your inbox to fill up even before this date—after all, affluent Venus will be in your communication sector until November 10. Until now, you have the gift of gab, so make sure to write all important papers and proposals before this date. November 3, in particular, is a lucky date to deliver any important insights or applications you might have in the pipeline. 

Your Key Moments:  

  • You could sign a sweet, long-term (and lucrative) contract around November 4. 
  • Venus entering Capricorn on November 11 brings the best three weeks of the year to tackle any remodeling or DIY projects. 
  • If you’re in a committed relationship, the November 15 full moon is the ideal time to have any conversations around intimacy. 
  • Your Scorpio Season Crystal: A glorious stone for power and grounding, Black Tourmaline protects you from any funky vibes. Carry one when you head to work. 


With your two planetary rulers, Mars and Pluto, superactive in the sky, this birthday season promises to be one of your most powerful! The universe will pave the way for you to do what you do best, which is transforming from the inside out. During this season’s witchy dark moon phase on October 30 and October 31, create the contemplative space to zoom into the big themes that transpired for you between 2008 and now. With those in mind, how do you see yourself shifting your focus over the next twenty years? Write those intentions down at the November 1 new moon, which happens in your sign, carrying an energy of long-term success! 

With Mars entering your career sector on November 3, performing a retrograde later in the year, your career might be up for some adjustments. Notice any themes, messages, or events that take place now, as they will illuminate what needs to go and what to focus on instead. Within this process of transformation, Scorpio, it’s crucial to remember that to get different results, you must also shift your mindset, as well as your habits. This will become apparent on October 28, October 30—and especially, at the November 15 full moon. 

Your Key Moments: 

  • Halloween brings Neptunian vibes your way, ideal for wearing a soft, sweet, and magical costume. 
  • November 2 could turn out to be extremely busy, so avoid overcommitting to too many events. 
  • The November 19’s Pluto entrance into Aquarius urges you to look at how new tech tools could help you grow. 
  • Your Scorpio Season Crystal: Bismuth is an outer worldly crystal that helps you shift your mind towards the future. Meditate with it every morning this birthday season! 


This season brings you an ideal combination of fun, pleasurable, and chill vibes, Sagittarius. Two planets (the Sun and Mars) will be teaming up to ignite your desire to rest, relax, and sleep longer nights. This will be especially true as we head into the super-charged November 3 Mars-Pluto clash, which might have you puzzled about a tricky situation involving money, intimacy, or an important deal or contract. This is not a time to take risks, by the way—instead, it’s best to take a cautious approach, as this is a long-term energy that will take us from 2024 to 2025. 

Romance is another area of life that is sweetly highlighted for you over the next four weeks. For starters, lover Venus traveling in your sign until November 10 shoots your charm to the roof! Clearly, this is a huge helping hand whenever socializing and meeting new people as well as romantic prospects. Saturn waking up from its long nap on November 15, might reignite your desire to be serious about finding a partner who, like you, lives life in a fun, spiritual, and optimistic way. You might even start feeling this on November 4, under the Sun-Saturn, which spells the possibility of a long-term connection. 

Your Key Moments: 

  • Mercury entering your sign on November 2 brings eloquence to your words, and maybe even a big epiphany about your place in the world.
  • November 9 is a lucky day that inspires you to add some items to your bucket list. 
  • The November 15 full moon might be busy, so use your energy wisely. 
  • Your Scorpio Season Crystal: Selenite is the ultimate crystal for purification; pass it all over your bed before going to sleep for a restful night. 


This Scorpio season promises to be one of your most powerful in quite some time, Capricorn! How and in which ways have you changed since 2008? This is when powerful and transformative Pluto first entered your sign, leaving for good on November 19. Between now and November 3, you could have some major realizations about who you have become, where you’re headed, and who (and who is not) accompanying you in walking toward the powerful future you have created for yourself. In more ways than one, this feels like an important graduation, so make sure to celebrate yourself by taking a trip across the ocean or gifting yourself a spa day. The days between November 3 and November 9 would be ideal to pamper yourself. 

If certain personal or professional projects have been moving slowly for the past few months, this could change once your planet (Saturn) wakes up from its long celestial nap on November 15. Starting now, life could be busy as emails, messages, and announcements begin to arrive. Communication will become a priority, most likely bringing the need to write a paper, a proposal, or perhaps taking an important exam. 

Your Key Moments: 

  • A new friendship or collaboration could form around the November 3 new moon. 
  • Venus entering your sign on November 11 brings three weeks of fun your way, so make sure to schedule fun plans starting now. 
  • If you’re interested in romance, the November 15 full moon is ideal to fill out an online dating profile. 
  • Your Scorpio Season Crystal: Celebrate your immense accomplishments by purchasing a piece of Amethyst for your ritual space. 


How true have you stayed to your sense of authenticity, Aquarius? For you, this entire season is colored by the epic entrance of Pluto—the planet of transformation—into your sign. This slow but profound influence will have you make the necessary changes to get you back in touch with your personal power. As we head into November 19, you might make meaningful changes to your life, removing any habits, possessions, and anything that prevents you from following your truest dreams and desires. Between October 22 and November 4, you might receive some outside pushback—but these changes are imminent, so the sooner you, as well as others, get on board with them, the easier things will be. 

Scorpio rules your career sector and public visibility, so you can expect to experience advancement in this area of your life. The November 1 new moon, in particular, could bring the beginning of a project, contract, and even a brand new job or career trajectory. By November 15, it could become obvious how this beginning will bring a strong sense of security as master teacher Saturn activates its power in your money sector. Hard work will be necessary—and you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and get down to business! 

Your Key Moments: 

  • Stay flexible at the November 15 full moon, when changes either at home or at work might be required. 
  • Try meditating around November 24, when a genius moment could suddenly strike you! 
  • The weekend of November 16 would be ideal to go out and socialize with friends. 
  • Your Scorpio Season Crystal: Malachite is a crystal connected to monetary abundance; putting one in either your office or wallet can help boost your earning potential.  


Get ready to rock, Pisces! Affluent Venus will be on your side this season, helping you make strides in your career until November 10. While you might hit a snag or a delay around October 28, by the time November 3 arrives, you will be happy to have invested all your effort and optimism in this area of your life. This is all part of a major plan the celestial master teacher Saturn has for you, which involves the creation of something in your life that will last the test of time. The pressure to succeed you might feel strongly around November 15 as Saturn wakes up from its retrograde is part of this plan; a time to roll up your sleeves to keep manifesting the life of your dreams. 

Your other big news this season is Pluto—the planet of transformation—entering one of the spiritual sectors of your chart. Starting November 19, you might notice the desire to work with any mystical or psychological practices that help you reach a deep sense of healing. Recording your dreams and decoding them could be particularly helpful now. If you decide to explore your nighttime reveries, the November 1 new moon is the ideal moment to begin. 

Your Key Moments: 

  • If you’re in a creative field or have a creative hobby, October 28 could spark your inspiration. 
  • You could receive unexpected or exciting news under the November 15 full moon; remember to go with the flow. 
  • Beat misunderstandings or confusion on November 9 by being very clear in your communications. 
  • Your Scorpio Season Crystal: Moonstone helps you remember your dreams; put a little piece on your bedside table or under your pillow. 

The post Your Horoscopes for Scorpio Season October-November 2024 appeared first on Forever Conscious.

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