Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: February 17-23, 2025

The cards pictured are from the ‘Rosa Obscura’ deck by Orla Bird.

The Lovers and The Tower

This week, we enter Pisces Season and we have two cards to guide us. They bring their wise and powerful energy to support our awareness and growth.

The Lovers card speaks to self-love as well as romantic love. There is an innocence and trust that comes with this card. This is our heart before we were ever hurt and before we became so cautious with our emotions.

With the energy of this card, we give our love freely to others. We feel whole in ourselves and are not looking for another person to make us complete.

We have a respect for ourselves. We do things that make us feel beautiful, cared for, healthy, and alive. Through loving ourselves, we begin to trust the Universe again and start to love others with less fear.

We are calling in love that is on a higher plane. This love is ruled by emotional honesty and genuine expression. All parties are balanced in their effort and vulnerability.

Depicted on The Lovers card are equal partners, entering into a spiritual marriage. Cupid and fate are blessing them with the might of Universal Love.

The Lovers is not about two halves becoming a whole, but two wholes coming together to make a joyful and balanced relationship. We are guided to make space for this type of love in our lives.

This card can point to romantic partnerships or business/creative partnerships as well. It indicates a high level of equality and respect by all parties involved.

We allow into our lives the relationships that we believe we deserve. When we raise our standards, better relationships are naturally drawn toward us.

If you have lost optimism about this type of connection or don’t believe you deserve it, this is your sign to let go of that belief. It is time to have faith and know that you are worthy.

We are no longer blocking love through our self-limiting thoughts. Our beliefs, along with our inner work, allow love to enter our world.

Our second card this week is The Tower. This card often brings up dread and fear, but I see it as a sign that we are ready for honesty and new beginnings.

The theme of The Tower is truth. The Tower wants us to focus on the facts above all else. It wants us to be vigilant in our truth-finding and seek to remove any lies surrounding us.

The Tower urges us to remove decaying underbrush in our lives so we can plant seeds in fresh soil. If we have debris lying around, there is no place for new growth to sprout.

The Tower asks us: Are we currently holding on to a story that we have outgrown? Are there people in our lives that we need to let go of? Are we engaging in things that deplete our energy or hinder our evolution?

With The Tower as our guide for this week, we are called to practice authenticity to create fertile ground. We are called to bring awareness to the blocks we are holding on to and find a way to release them.

The warning with this card is, if we don’t take action ourselves, things might crumble on their own. We want to be the one in control of our next steps.

Through The Tower, you will question your narratives. Pay attention to the stories you tell yourself. You will see what is true and what is just fear.

The Tower will no longer stand for limiting beliefs or practices. We are worthy of so much but sometimes we settle for so little. However, with this card, we see ourselves starting to shed those lies and live in the truth.

Mantra for the week: When I am truthful, I feel liberated. When I am open, I welcome love.

If you like the weekly readings and want to go deeper, head to to book your personal session with me.

The post Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: February 17-23, 2025 appeared first on Forever Conscious.

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