THIS really is SIMPLE and SPEEDY…
Today we are going to explore how SIMPLE AND POWERFUL Neville’s teachings are, with how to manifest money by staying in the state of BALANCE. Welcome to how to Feel It Real for Money – Part 5.
Maybe you’ve noticed…
When you are in a physically balanced position…
…you are stronger and faster than when you are not in a physically balanced position.
It’s the same with manifesting, and when you have the BOTH OF THESE POWER PILLARS in perfect balance – you manifest MUCH more effectively.
Let’s DIVE DEEPER today!
(Today’s lesson is inspired by Lesson 6 of 59 from the Neville Goddard Prosperity Pack.)
“Nothing has ever happened to you that you did not set in motion in your imagination. I tell you: you can be anything you want to be, but when you voice your request, your desire must be genuine.”
“You must so want it that you are willing to remain faithful to your change in position.”
You cannot assume you have your desire for one little moment and then return to your former state, for if you do you are a double-minded man and will not receive anything from the Lord (as told us in the Book of James).”
“If you want to be successful in business, you can. I don’t care how many creditors you owe, or what the bank says you have; if you assume success and persist in that assumption you cannot fail. This is the law by which everyone lives.” THE CREATOR – Neville Goddard
When you identify what you choose to be and choose to have in the world – and do a session around it EFFECTIVELY – you experience a change of position.
You MOVE from where you have been living life – to that ideal state.
YOU – FELL – DIFFERENT – about you – about life – about money.
This is the first stage, the easy part for most people when they Follow The Formula. But it is what comes next – where we need the Secret Of Balance
Neville says you must remain faithful.
And if you remain faithful that it is a DONE DEAL. So why is it so hard sometimes to remain faithful?
It is ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE for you to remain faithful – if you don’t have BOTH of the twin pillars of faithfulness active – see below.
Both are important because they support and they BALANCE each other.
So, once you do your session and experience the change of position – into your ideal – inside your imagination, Neville teaches that you are to BOTH – SLEEP AND WALK from that position – that your wish has been fulfilled.
These are the twin pillars of faithfulness. Notice how they compliment each other and increase the power of each other, by creating a state of balance and ease in your life.
PILLAR 1: Sleeping in the State.
Sleeping from your new position is the gentle RESTING – in the FACT AND FEELING that it is done.
Sleep in the state, not just physically in your physical bed, but in SPIRIT. Don’t fret, don’t try to figure it out REST. Let your mind and spirit REST deeply, in the knowing that it is done.
Note: Sleeping in the state of the wish fulfilled – is like doing a nice, relaxed session in the middle of the day – so you can ENJOY FULLY NOW the blessings that are emerging into your physical world. You know it’s a done deal, you feel it’s a done deal, you just stop and do a session to ENJOY that it’s a done deal.
PILLAR 2: Walking in the state.
The second pillar is WALKING in the state of the wish having been fulfilled.
Walking in the state is how you react to the world.
Notice in your conversations, in your actions, in your daydreams, in all your activities if you are internally remaining true to your ideal.
If your ideal is being a financially secure person, make your decisions and talk like a financially secure person does.
- EXAMPLE #1: You don’t walk around talking about and feeling bad about what you can’t afford. Instead, you focus from where you can INVEST today. Your time, your money, your imaginal act.
- EXAMPLE #2: Being wealthy, if you don’t want to give money to a friend, family member or a stranger – you never say, “I would, but I don’t have any”, instead – be honest. Let them know, “Not at this time, my money is invested another project”. (If you don’t want to invest in them, you don’t. The money you actually do have – is invested or being invested elsewhere. )
Beginning to notice a pattern?
(Remember, Neville says to ALWAYS be investing!
(So take a moment – and imagine being able to easily afford what you want. And IMAGINE – your friend – doing so well he doesn’t need to ask you for money ever again.)
You always have more manifesting power when you are in balance.
Notice how today’s lesson brings more balance to being faithful. The “yin” side of being faithful is RESTING in the state – of knowing it is done. Rest knowing you create wealth and value in your life – because of what you truly are, and what you are doing with Feel It Real and in the world.
The “yang” side of being faithful, is REACTING FROM the state – of who you have become – first in imagination – then in the physical world. Having BOTH forms of faithfulness in your life – standing strong side by side, makes it much easier to remain faithful to your ideal, so it manifests into your world.
Today’s how to Feel It Real for Money lessons was inspired by Lesson 6 of the Neville Goddard Prosperity Pack. You can get ALL 59 lessons, the bonus audio recordings and the rest of the massive handbook and amazing package here: The Neville Goddard Prosperity Pack – Click Here
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
Dive Deeper! Get The Neville Goddard Prosperity Pack Now – Click Here
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