Your Libra Season Horoscopes September-October 2024

This article is written by astrologer and Akashic channel, Narayana Montúfar. She is the author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power. Please visit to book a reading with her or follow her here: @narayanamontufar to keep up with her astro-weather reports.

As the sun transitions into Libra from September 22 to October 21, 2024, we find ourselves deep in one of the most dynamic and transformative seasons of the year. This period places a spotlight on relationships, connections, and commitments, culminating in the ultra-potent new moon solar eclipse on October 2. This celestial event not only opens and closes significant doors but also marks the conclusion of a year-and-a-half cycle of personal growth through our connections with others.

Prepare for profound realizations about how your desires in relationships have evolved, potentially in ways you never anticipated. Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, will journey through Scorpio throughout the month, urging a straightforward, no-nonsense approach to love, friendship, and even finances.

Mars, the other key player in our relational dynamics, will navigate the sensitive waters of Cancer, a pairing that might induce feelings of fuzziness and moodiness, especially on October 5, 14, 17, and 22. On these days, prioritizing solitude and self-care will be essential to maintaining your equilibrium.

The cosmic currents shift dramatically during the week of October 7 to 13, as Jupiter goes retrograde and Pluto moves direct. This is a time to reflect deeply on your journey, revisiting milestones since May (when Jupiter entered Gemini) and even as far back as 2008 (when Pluto first entered Capricorn). By looking back, you can appreciate your growth and gather insights on how to adjust your trajectory moving forward.

October 17 heralds the full moon in Aries, officially marking the end of the second eclipse season of the year. From now until October 21, many of us may find ourselves ascending to higher positions within our fields. However, this upward movement requires navigating dramatic negotiations with influential figures, setting the stage for the intense and transformative energies of Scorpio season.

Below is what your zodiac sign can expect: read your sun as well as your rising sign. 


Mantra: “When I speak from the heart, I create space for true rapport in my life.” 

This season seems transformative for you, Aries, especially with this season’s lunar events activating sensitive areas of your chart. Eclipses often bring unexpected shifts, and with the October 2 new moon solar eclipse, you’ll likely feel heightened energy in your personal and professional relationships. While some connections might end now, others are just getting started! 

Since Mars, your ruling planet, is moving through sensitive Cancer, it could create a sense of emotional tension or discomfort, especially when reacting to other people’s requests or demands. Taking some time away from the scene to allow yourself to cool off is your drama-free strategy during this and for many months to come! This will be especially true during the October 17 full moon, which happens in your sign, perhaps heating up a conversation with a romantic partner or family member. 

Pluto going direct in Capricorn lights up your career sector, reigniting your desire to succeed, perhaps by wrapping up a project you were involved in for a long time. By the end of the month, from October 17 to October 22, you might find yourself stepping into a leadership role or gaining recognition in your career. This period brings potential for growth, so seize it with confidence. 

Your Key Moments: 

  • September 30 could bring a major realization concerning your newfound desires within romantic relationships. 
  • October 5 could instigate intense exchanges, so keep your temper in check. 
  • October 9 brings the retrograde of Jupiter, a wonderful time to start a gratitude journal. 


Mantra: “I open my throat chakra by expressing myself clearly and with confidence.” 

What are the thoughts passing through your mind, Taurus? With powerful Pluto activating genius planet Uranus in your sign all month long and for some months to come, flashes of insight are surely arriving at unexpected times. While some of these ideas might seem half-baked, they could later lead to breakthroughs, so make sure to write them down! The days between October 1 and October 7 are perfect for jotting down some of the most uplifting thoughts you will encounter during this Libra season. If you feel strongly about some of these ideas and are ready to put them out into the world, Mars traveling in your communication sector supports you in this process of expressing yourself. Powerful dates to focus on writing, speaking, or presenting arrive on October 5, October 14, October 17, and October 22, when Mars is supercharged by other planets. 

Your workload is also bound to magnify this season due to the appearance of the new moon solar eclipse on October 2.  However, make sure to protect your energy by also getting enough rest. This season’s other lunar event, the October 17 full moon, occurs in a sensitive part of your chart, which could signal burnout if you’re not careful. 

Your Key Moments: 

  • September 24 could mean the arrival of a moment of genius, so pay attention to your thoughts. 
  • September 30 could bring a breakthrough concerning the daily processes that you utilize to stay productive. 
  • October 11 is a positive day to look at your finances and become aware of the progress you’ve made since May of this year. 


Mantra: “This Libra season, I get the best of both worlds; I can have it all.” 

You have a true fondness for Libra energy, Gemini, and this year, it may bring delightful experiences your way! Mercury, your planet, will be traveling in your fifth house of romance, pleasure, and enjoyment between September 26 and October 12. Your social butterfly self will be feeling all kinds of blessings coming your way at the October 2 new moon solar eclipse, which could spark a romance or friendship that feels fated. Since it’s eclipse season, anyone who enters your life now comes with a special reason to influence your life in positive ways. 

This season’s influence on you brings a work hard, play hard type of vibe! On the career front, Mercury entering Scorpio on October 13 will amplify your workload, most likely having you super focused on an exciting and interesting project. Venus and Saturn will also be collaborating to help you complete significant projects that catch the attention of bosses or influential figures in your industry. The days between October 1 and October 7 may present opportunities for a raise or a promotion. Also, during this time, fortunate Jupiter will be particularly active in your sign before it goes retrograde, so make the most of these days!

Your Key Moments:

  • September 25 could bring confusion your way, so don’t believe everything you hear or read.
  • October 14 could bring one or two surprises at work, so be flexible in your processes. 


Mantra: “I channel my energy wisely, focusing it on what truly matters.”

For you, Cancer, this Libra season will usher in a period filled with new beginnings, closures, and significant insights! Your fiery spirit will be amplified as driven Mars traverses your sign. While this can lead to intense interactions with others, particularly on and around October 5, October 14, October 17, and October 22, it can also serve as a powerful motivator to pursue your ambitions and tick off items on your to-do list. You will notice having a surplus of energy, and it will matter how you use it. Whenever in need, Mars can help you achieve difficult tasks, just be cautious around the full moon on October 17, as this energetic drive could potentially lead to burnout if you neglect to take the necessary breaks.

Relationships will also play a key role for you this season, especially during the October 2 new moon solar eclipse, which might require heart-to-heart conversations with either a romantic partner, a roommate, or a family member. The highlight of your season is Venus, the planet of love, moving through your fifth house for the entire month. You may find yourself starting a new friendship or even a romantic relationship, as a result of the same eclipse. 

Your Key Moments: 

  • September 26 could bring good news your way concerning either school, a new job, or a trip. 
  • October 9 brings the retrograde of Jupiter, inspiring you to look back at what you’ve accomplished within your spiritual practice since May of this year. 
  • If you’re still thinking about a relationship that recently ended, Pluto going direct in Capricorn on October 11 can help you get closure. 


Mantra: “I surrender to flow with the natural rhythms of my body.” 

You tend to love the social aspect of Libra season, Leo, but this year, you might not feel super social and may even need to save some of your energy. This season, it’s essential for you, to learn how to manage your energy effectively. Mars, the planet of action, will occupy your twelfth house for this entire month, likely making you feel more fatigued than usual and in need of solitude and privacy. You will notice an intensification of your inner life, which might even manifest as more lucid dreams and a close connection with your intuition. This feeling will be prevalent around the lunar events on October 2 and October 17, which will inject a vibrant energy into your life! 

But you will not be bored as you seek more privacy. Lover Venus will be enhancing your fourth house of home and family throughout the month, creating cherished moments with those you co-habit with. If you’ve been dating someone for a while, the kiss Venus sends to Saturn on October 4 could be a catalyst for serious conversations around commitment or achieving a deeper level of intimacy. 

Your Key Moments: 

  • September 24 could bring good news (or brilliant deals) on the career front. 
  • Pluto’s October 11 direct turn might bring the need to go over the final stages of a project one more time. 
  • October 22 might bring deep conversations with your colleagues. 


Mantra: “I communicate my feelings, seeking new levels of intimacy.” 

For you, Virgo, the season ahead comes with a very dual energy. The beginning will have a very practical energy, bringing themes and conversations around money, resources, and even personal values. This will be especially true between September 30 and the October 2 new moon solar eclipse, which could bring the possibility of creating a new source of income for yourself. Your planet, Mercury, will be traveling in your financial sector between September 26 and October 12, turning your focus towards the tangible side of life. 

As the second part of the season arrives, your focus turns towards relationships. Starting October 4, Venus and Saturn will be teaming up to instigate conversations about commitment, partnership, and even intimacy. If a new relationship or partnership recently formed for you, prepare to have some serious conversations by the time the October 17 full moon arrives. The truth is that this full moon will carry an intense energy, bringing the need to act or react to certain events. Approaching serious subjects, like money, boundaries, and maybe even contracts, is for sure this season’s vibe for you, so allow yourself to be vulnerable and candid, as this is your opportunity to express your needs and desires, as well as non-negotiables. 

Your Key Moments: 

  • September 26 could bring a collaboration between you and a partner or a friend. 
  • September 30 is the ideal time to sit down and take a cold, hard look at your finances, as you’re bound to uncover information you previously didn’t know about. 


Mantra: “I have left an old version of myself; preparing to be reborn again.”

Congratulations, Libra! This season signifies the conclusion of a significant journey for you, centered around shedding your old identity to create a brand-new one! This process, which began in the summer of 2023 and ends in January of 2025, hits a major climax arriving at this season’s ultra-powerful October 2nd new moon solar eclipse, which happens in your sign. Expect doors to close and open for you now, inspiring a true desire to stay authentic and faithful to your desires and no one else’s! After all, with your planet, Venus, moving through Scorpio all month, you’re discovering a preference for deeper and more meaningful connections over mere quantity. 

The other big news for you is Mars, the planet of action and drive, traveling in your career sector all month. This planet’s can-do energy can truly help you reach your goals, inspiring you to move forward. But because Mars is scheduled to clash with other planets over the season ahead, intensity could be felt within your interactions with clients, bosses, and colleagues. This is when your diplomatic and peacekeeping attitude will be extremely helpful, especially on and around October 5, October 14, October 17, and October 22.

Your Key Moments:  

  • September 26 could bring good news to your career or a productive conversation with a boss or authority figure. 
  • Seeking some time alone in quiet contemplation on September 30 could bring on aha moment your way. 
  • You might get the travel bug around October 9, when Jupiter prepares to go retrograde in the sector of your chart that rules exploration. 


Mantra: “I now understand that my emotional intelligence is my superpower.” 

Prepare to be deep in your feelings, dear Scorpio. Mars, your ruling planet, swims through the warm waters of the zodiac sign Cancer all month, giving you a more self-protecting demeanor. Your already private nature will deepen, however, this does not mean that you will necessarily stay at home. Since Mars is traveling to your 9th house of exploration, you could also feel the desire to travel to a place near the water, where you can truly embrace a mindset of reflection. After all, the October 2 new moon solar eclipse is the continuation of a long process that has involved the unrooting of an old belief system. 

Luckily, sweet Venus will be helping with this process as the goddess of love and pleasure will be traveling in your sign from September 22 to October 16. You will be feeling good in your skin, which could translate into attracting the object of your desire on and around October 7, when Venus in Scorpio blows a kiss to Mars in Cancer. October 15 could also be a romantic day—especially if you’re able to go with the flow, as surprises could be now in store within a special relationship. 

Your Key Moments: 

  • Try scheduling a shorter work day on September 22, when the Sun enters Libra, as you might feel a little bit more tired. 
  • October 13 brings an acceleration in your communications, when the planet of communication, Mercury, enters your sign.
  • The October 17 full moon could bring the end of a project you’ve been working on for a long time.  


Mantra: “I embrace the journey within, becoming one with my higher self.” 

In the celestial tapestry of Libra season, dear Sagittarius, an exciting metamorphosis awaits you! With Venus and Mars, traversing secretive realms in your astral chart, solitude shall become your ally, guiding you through introspection and emotional revelations, especially on and around October 7, when the two cosmic lovers kiss. On this special day, allow yourself to process the information that will be aired out by the October 2 ultra-potent new moon solar eclipse, which is bound to expose information about friends, collaborators, and the social groups you belong to. The truth is that there could be drama within your circle, culminating at the loud October 17 full moon. On a more fun side, this full moon could have a romantic tone for you as well, since by then,  lover Venus will be traveling in your sign, making you a hot commodity for the next three weeks. 

Jupiter, your planet, embarks on its yearly retrograde on October 9, heralding a period of introspection that will last until February 4. This cosmic respite offers a chance to pause, allowing your personal evolution to unfold at a gentler pace. Relationships born in the month of May, whether romantic or professional, shall now undergo meticulous scrutiny, as the cosmic magnifying glass hones in on their true essence.

Your Key Moments: 

  • On September 24, a conversation with an acquaintance could help you unlock a different process to become more productive at work
  • When Mercury enters Scorpio on October 13, you might become obsessed with resolving a mystery. 


Mantra: “I have traversed peaks and mountains—and as a result, I am stronger than ever before.” 

You deserve a big congratulations, Capricorn! Expect Libra season to be busy as you begin wrapping up a transformational period that began back in the summer of 2023. This transformation has involved changes to your career, your company’s leadership, and your commitment to your craft. As the October 2nd ultra-powerful new moon solar eclipse arrives, you’re getting closer to closing this chapter of your professional life. The truth is that you’ve been through a lot of change, so make sure that you are celebrating your resilience and ability to stay flexible in the face of adversity. If some colleagues or collaborators drift away from your circle now, remember that new and deeper friendships will begin to blossom when Venus activates your friendship sector from October 4 to October 7.

Additionally, keep an eye on Mars’s influence in your relationship sector this season. You may notice some disagreements arising with a romantic or business partner, requiring you to reach an understanding on October 5, October 14, October 17, or October 22. This will help you avoid disagreements later in the year once Mars initiates its retrograde in the same area of your chart, later in the year. 

Your Key Moments: 

  • The October 9 retrograde of Jupiter slows down your workload, so you can begin catching up with projects over the next four months. 
  • Pluto going direct in your sign on October 11 marks the end of a hugely transformative journey that has involved healing and coming back in touch with your inner power. 
  • If you’re looking for romance, mark your calendar for October 7, when an acquaintance could introduce you to a potential partner. 


Mantra: “I open my mind to the incoming messages from the universe.” 

You already know that the world is changing in magnanimous ways, Aquarius. And this Libra season is the reminder that when you allow your mind to shift, you’re truly grooving in the direction of the changing times! This season’s lunar events—the October 2 new moon eclipse and the full moon on October 17—herald a grand shift in perception. You might even begin noticing this by September 24, when your ruling planet, Uranus, activates your genius. You could now give birth to so brilliant ideas, especially if they feel crazy and even “too ahead of their time.” Along this process, it’s crucial to remember that changes in perception are not always easy, and this might now be the case, since both lunar events are set to be intense due to their mind-shattering effects instigating a completely new way for you to see the world. 

Career-wise, you will be thriving thanks to Venus, the planet of money, traveling in your career sector as it forms positive connections with three planets on October 4, October 7, and October 15. Mars in Cancer all month long will also help you out, keeping you engaged, interested in your projects, and fired up to do the best you can! 

Your Key Moments: 

  • On September 26, a bold move you make in your career could be noticed by your bosses or higher-ups.
  • Mercury entering Scorpio on October 13 could see you focused on figuring out a tricky project. 
  • Keep your cool at work on October 17, when the full moon in Aries has a lot of people in your industry feeling on edge. 


Mantra: “ I flow in the direction of my wildest dreams as I begin to create the life I have always craved.” 

After the recent eclipse on September 17, all eyes are on you, Pisces! The universe is handing you the keys to materializing the life of your dreams, but to get there, you must first know what those dreams are. This is when the second eclipse of the season gets involved! Arriving on October 2, this potent new moon solar eclipse has you embracing introspection so you can ask yourself all the questions about what your true desires in life are. While this might be an intense process, it will help you unravel information that’s been stored deep inside of you for quite some time. At this time, embrace the chaos, knowing it’s all part of your cosmic glow-up! 

This Libra season, you truly receive so much help from the universe. For starters, Venus will be activating your ninth house of life philosophy and far-away horizons, instigating you to open your eyes to new ways of seeing the world. You might even decide to set sail on a journey, especially during the days between October 4 and October 15. Alternatively, Venus might influence you to begin studying a practice that you feel passionate about. 

Your Key Moments: 

  • Practice discernment on September 25, when Mercury activates the confusing energy of Neptune in your sign. 
  • Jupiter going retrograde in your home sector on October 9 is the best time of the year to bring the practice of gratitude into your daily habits. 

The post Your Libra Season Horoscopes September-October 2024 appeared first on Forever Conscious.

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