Taurus New Moon Ritual May 2021

The Taurus New Moon on May 11/12, opens the door to Eclipse Season, a time of shift and transformation. While we won’t experience an Eclipse until the end of the month, we may begin feeling that change is in the air.

Even though we have these changing energies rolling in, the Taurus New Moon offers a grounding force, helping us to stablize and balance our energy field. If we lean in to its energy, we can use it to recharge, restore, and feel a sense of security in our self before the Eclipse magic takes full effect.

You can read the full forecast for the Taurus New Moon here, but to work with these energies, here is a New Moon Ritual to guide you-

Taurus New Moon Ritual 2021

This ritual is best done between May 10-21, 2021.

You will need:

  • Energy cleansing tool of choice (herb sticks, bells, oils, etc.)
  • Cosmic Guided Meditation- Surrender to Peace
  • Pen and Paper cut into 10 small strips
  • Bowl of water
  • Essential oil of your choosing


1.) Start by cleansing your aura followed by your surroundings and your ritual ingredients. As you cleanse your aura, feel free to recite the following- 

“I am grounded, I am connected, I am one with light and love. As I clear and cleanse, I recharge and return to my true strength. I am a radiant channel of light and only love can enter.”

As you cleanse your surroundings, set an intention to clear away any energy that is no longer serving you. Keep this intention in your mind as you cleanse your surroundings and ritual ingredients. 

2.) Take your bowl of water and add 3 drops of your favorite essential oil. Swirl the water with your finger three times. 

3.) Grab your pen and strips of paper. Take a moment to think about something that has been troubling you or an event from your past that you just can’t seem to let go of. Allow the thoughts and feelings of this situation to come up.

4.) Next, shift your mind to think about 10 things you feel grateful for from this situation. I know this may be tough or even possible to think of at first, but encourage yourself to think of things you feel grateful for from the challenges you have faced, even if they are small. Write down each thought of gratitude on a separate strip of paper until you have filled all 10 strips of paper.

(You can also choose to write about things you feel grateful for in general too.)

5.) Once you have come up with 10 things that you feel grateful for around a challenging situation (or situations), notice what thoughts and feelings have arisen for you now. Notice if any solutions or new ways of looking at things have emerged. 

6.) Take your strips of paper and gently place them into the bowl of water. Mix it around with your finger three times.

7.) Next, set up your Surrender to Peace meditation. For this meditation, I recommend lying down in a comfortable position with the bowl of water at your feet or at the foot of your bed if you are doing this in your bed. When ready, start your meditation.

8.) After your meditation is complete, hold your bowl of water in both hands and when you feel ready, from the bottom of your heart, repeat to yourself “thank you’”. This thank you is for you, the situation, the others involved, the world, the greater good, and even the ripple it has created. Feel the weight of this special thank you.

9.) If it’s possible where you are, go outside preferably under the dark sky and pour your water into the earth. Keep the papers in the bowl. If you don’t have access to an outside space you can also just pour the water down the drain or into a houseplant. As you pour the water, recite:

“May my words of gratitude sink into the earth, radiating goodness, blessings, and love for myself and all those who walk upon it.”

10.) You can then take the papers and discard of them as you wish. If you like, you can journal about your experience and how you are feeling.

After this ritual, try to do something relaxing and nurturing.

The post Taurus New Moon Ritual May 2021 appeared first on Forever Conscious.


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