Aries Full Moon Ritual October 2024

The Aries Full Moon on October 17, 2024, holds a fiery spirit. Falling in the sign of Aries, this Full Moon could activate our warrior mode and find us needing to step up and take charge. Mars and Pluto are also active under this Full Moon, adding to the intensity and volatility. You can learn more about the astrology behind this Full Moon here.

Below you will find a soothing ritual that aims to calm our nervous systems and help us navigate these fiery energies. I hope you enjoy it!

Aries Full Moon Soothing Ritual

You will need:


1.) Have all your ritual ingredients in front of you ready to go. Begin by cleansing your aura and surroundings. Cleanse your aura first, and as you do, recite the following mantra-

“I call my mind, body, and soul into a state of ease. I release all I no longer need to carry. I release the heavy weight from my shoulders so I feel light and free. I release any pent-up energy in my gut that may be blocking me. I release and let go of all that I no longer need. I release and surrender to the divinity inside of me.”

Now, cleanse your ritual ingredients and your entire space. As you do this, recite the following mantra –

“I cleanse this space with light and loving energy. I give thanks to my home, to my space, and to these ingredients before me. I feel blessed with abundance as I have all that I need. I am constantly provided for by the Universe. I create space so everything will open to me in perfect timing.”

2.) Find a comfortable position such as laying on the bed or sitting upright in your favorite chair. Light your candle. Hold your crystal in your hand and if using, place the cucumber slices or eye mask over your closed eyes. Breathe deeply here and begin your Surrender to Peace Meditation.

3.) Once you’re done with your meditation, hold your hands over your heart center, still holding the crystal. Breathe here for another 10 breaths, and repeat the following mantra (you can, of course, open your eyes to read the mantra if needed, or feel free to state your own in the moment)-

“I am balanced. I am whole. I am centered in myself. Any anger or frustration is now melting away. I feel calm. I feel soothed. I feel in control of my breath. I feel light. I feel motivated and inspired by my journey to come.”

4.) Take another deep breath and exhale any final anger, frustration, or pent-up energy that you need. Now, close your eyes again with the cucumber slices and breathe deeply for another 10 breaths. Try to still your mind and not engage in any lingering thoughts that may pop into your mind.

5.) When ready, take your cucumber slices and drop them into the glass of water. Imagine that all your anger, frustration, and any heavyweight you no longer need to carry are being held in the slices. If you are not using cucumber slices, you can spit into the water instead and imagine your spit as a way to release and let go of any heavyweight.

6.) Hold the glass of water and either go outside under the light of the moon, or stand near a sink. Take a deep breath and throw the water out like you are letting go and releasing any negative emotions.

7.) To close the ritual, snuff out the candle. You can sleep with the crystal by your bedside or hold it as a reminder to stay in this soothed state.

Happy Full Moon!

The post Aries Full Moon Ritual October 2024 appeared first on Forever Conscious.

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