Intuitive Astrology: Aries Solar Eclipse April 2024

April 8th, 2024, brings a Total Solar Eclipse in the sign of Aries. This is one of the most potent cosmic events of the year and will shape the path we are destined to walk for the next 18 months.

Eclipses are always highly transformative times, and this Eclipse, being a Total Solar Eclipse, is at its maximum strength level. A Solar Eclipse always falls on a New Moon, so you can think of this as a supercharged, super activated, super intense New Moon.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse

New Moons represent the start of a new cycle, so this Solar Eclipse magnifies that energy, opening doorways, clearing pathways, and getting us to shift in a new direction. The fact that this Solar Eclipse falls in Aries only amplifies this as Aries is the sign of new beginnings.

Expect some new information, new way of being, or new pathway to open for you under this Eclipse. As this Eclipse is so powerful, this new opportunity or beginning may be seen even up to a month after this Eclipse has reached its peak.

It could also be that this Solar Eclipse instigates a new way of being that then changes the direction or course of your life. It may feel subtle at first, but when you look back at this time, you will be able to see just how much shifted and transformed during this month of the year.

While Eclipse energies can be subtle, other times they can be loud. Under this Eclipse, we may be greeted with a surprising opportunity or a door opening that leads us down an unexpected path.

It is said that Eclipses bring fated events that move us to a higher state of consciousness, so trust what unfolds and try to allow yourself to be guided rather than trying to control.

New Moon Eclipse and Setting Intentions

While Solar Eclipses tend to stir fated events and put us where we need to be, we can use this energy to set intentions and exercise our co-creative abilities.

We are co-creators of this Universe, so making a list of intentions and putting out what we wish to attract can be a powerful exercise to do under these Eclipse energies.

This Aries Solar Eclipse is also a North Node Eclipse, which means that its energy is rooted in the future. It is an Eclipse for looking forward and embracing the changing times. This is not a time to look back or harp on the past, this is a time to look forward and see the potential of a new chapter.

This will be worth keeping in mind when it comes to creating your intentions. Try to make them fresh and new. Try not to ask for the same things but find a new way to approach what is that you desire. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and dream big!

Because the energy around this Solar Eclipse is so strong, you will have plenty of time to set your intentions and can work with this energy for a few weeks after it has passed. In fact, sometimes it is better to wait and see what is “downloaded” before setting your intentions.

The Solar Eclipse and Chiron in Aries

At the time of this Eclipse, we have the Sun and Moon, as well as Venus, Chiron, Eris, and Mercury Retrograde, in the sign of Aries. This creates a strong forcefield of Aries energy, which will encourage us to step up, find our leadership abilities, and activate the strong warrior within.

If we find ourselves facing situations that are difficult or challenging, this energy will deliver a boost of motivation and confidence to help us navigate our way through.

Out of all the planets hovering in Aries at the time of this Eclipse, Chiron stands out as being one of the most dominant due to its proximity to the New Moon.

Chiron is an asteroid known as the wounded healer. It represents our traumas and the wounds that we inherit from our previous and current timelines. These wounds cut so deep that they tend to shape and fashion us into who we are. These wounds never really leave us but instead remain with us.

Chiron teaches us that we can source power, wisdom, and healing from our wounds. Its energy encourages us to look at our wounds as portals of power and teaching to guide and help ourselves and others.

In the myth of Chiron, it was his own wounding of being abandoned at birth that allowed him to find his role as a teacher, psychic, and healer. It was through his wounds that he found his gifts.

I am sure we can all relate to elements of Chiron’s story, and under this Solar Eclipse, we may be feeling this or becoming more aware of how this energy is unfolding in our own lives.

If you have been on a healing journey or have been coming face to face with your own wounds, this Solar Eclipse will be a powerful time to transcend and move to the next chapter of your healing journey.

Under this solar eclipse, wounds may come to the surface, or we may find ourselves sourcing power and wisdom from the traumas that once kept us held down or held back.

There is strong empowering energy under this Eclipse that we can use to push ourselves forward and make the most of the time we have been given.

The Solar Eclipse Pathway

The Eclipse pathway begins in the South Pacific Ocean and makes its way across North and Central America. Some parts of South America will also be able to see the Eclipse. It is said that when an Eclipse is visible in a particular country, that country becomes a strong focus for the coming months.

In traditional astrology, Solar Eclipses were said to influence the Kings and Queens and the rulers of the country. So this Eclipse could bring some important news or information around world leaders, especially in the countries that are seeing the Eclipse in its Totality.

A Summary of the Aries Total Solar Eclipse Energies

  • New beginnings, new pathways, and new ways of seeing things
  • A new opportunity that leads you in a different direction
  • Something you have been dreaming about or working towards becomes a reality
  • Powerful healing energy allows us to source wisdom from our wounds
  • Globally, we may see news about world leaders

The post Intuitive Astrology: Aries Solar Eclipse April 2024 appeared first on Forever Conscious.

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