Virgo Full Moon Ritual February 2024

The Virgo Full Moon arrives on February 24, 2024, and holds some powerful healing energies that we can tap into to achieve a deeper state of wellness and peace.

You can learn about the energies of the Virgo Full Moon here, but if you want to dive deeper into the energies, here is a ritual to guide you.

Virgo Full Moon Tea Ritual

You will need:

  • Aura Cleansing tool of choice
  • Soul Soothing Meditation
  • Ingredients to make your own herbal tea (e.g., mint leaves, lemon slices, ginger slices, honey, etc.)
  • Mug with hot water (for brewing your tea)
  • Pen and paper
  • Virgo Full Moon Reading


1.) Start by using your aura cleansing tool of choice. As you cleanse around your body, feel free to recite the following –

“I love myself just a little more each day. I work to release and let go of my stresses and anxieties a little more each day. Today, I support my body by cleansing and releasing all that blocks me, all that triggers me, all that keeps me in fear. I feel light, I feel open. I know I am love. My energy is protected and clear. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

Next, use your aura cleansing tool to clear your surroundings and your tea ingredients. As you do this, feel free to recite the following:

“I lift the energy of this space, creating room to bring in more love, joy, and gratitude. This space is surrounded by love and light. These ingredients are blessed with love and light. My space is cleansed; my space is filled with abundant, peaceful energy. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

2.) Gather all of your tea ingredients, including your mug of hot water. Take one of your ingredients and hold it in your hands. Program your ingredient with an intention that is geared to supporting your well-being. It can be anything that will bring more peace, serenity, and joy into your life. You can state your intention aloud or simply deliver it to the ingredient telepathically. Be sure to thank your ingredient for holding your intention before placing it into the mug of hot water.

Repeat this process for all remaining tea ingredients. You can change your affirmation or work with the same one.

3.) Cover your tea as you allow it to brew. While you wait for your tea to brew, do the Soul Soothing Meditation.

4.) After your meditation, take a few sips of your tea. Feel yourself recharge and restore on each sip. As you drink your tea, choose one of the following journal prompts. Aim to write for about 15-20 minutes.

  • As I wrap up the astrological year, I wish to release…
  • My body is saying…
  • My vision for 2024 is…
  • I can create more ease by…

5.) Once your journaling is complete, reflect on any insights that have come up for you. As you continue to sip on your tea, do your Full Moon Reading.

If you don’t want to finish your tea, you can pour the water outside instead. If possible, return all your tea ingredients back to Mother Nature by burying them in the Earth or compost.

Full Moon Blessings to you!

The post Virgo Full Moon Ritual February 2024 appeared first on Forever Conscious.

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